Saturday, November 05, 2005

intelligent design of evolution!

Randy Cox wrote:
Intelligence, IQ, is defined as the ability to solve problems. The problem solving process involves taking action to solve the problem, observing the results of that action, adjusting the action to get better results, repeating the process until the problem is solved.

I think you are confusing intelligence and scientific method.
Scientists use their intelligence to make theories (Einstein).
Other scientists use experiments to verify or falsify the theory.
Both are essential in science.

That is what intelligent people do to solve problems. It's a pretty intelligent thing to do.

No, intelligent people try to figure things out before acting.

It is also the way evolution approaches problems. The species is adjusted until it become more adept to the conditions. That's a pretty intelligent design process.

That is exactly what it is not.
Evolution *lacks* intelligence, that is why the cosmic process of
creation takes millions and billions of years.

The only thing missing in the theory of evolution is the observation that happens between changes in action via the natural process.

Descartes proved that thinking (observation or awareness) existed at least for him, because he knew he could be fooled into thinking things around him were real when they might only be a dream or hallucination, but no one could fool him into thinking he thought without him thinking. "I think; therefore I am!"

So with a little dialogue even the most die hard atheist will usually agree that they can aware.

Now, since it follows in logic that a thing created is not likely (science always chooses the most likely, the most simple explanation) to be greater than the force that created it, it can be scientifically postulated that if the creative force creates something with intelligence then that force must have had intelligence.

That is simply not valid logic. But it *is* correct, that there
is no scientific proof that there is no "creative force" having
some kind of intention or will - but that is a question of faith.

Now we know intelligence exists in the seems most simple that intelligence existed in the first cause.

So here we have two seemingly divergent ideas needing the other to make sense. Evolution is both extant and intelligent.

I can't understand why two sides oppose each other. That is like people on one side saying George is President, and folks on the other
side saying Bush is President.

I'm just the fool! I say George Bush is the Emperor.....and he has no clothes!

Randy R. Cox

Well, both of them, George and Bush, have a policy consisting of
military try-and-error, much like ants have. *Intelligence* is
something you fix in order to mislead people.

Mogens Michaelsen
Dansk weblog:
English weblog:

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