Saturday, November 05, 2005

Bush Appoints John Bolton as UN Ambassador

Charles Farley posted:

Bush said that Bolton's nomination had been supported by a majority of
the Senate but that "because of partisan delaying tactics by a handful
of senators, John was unfairly denied the up-or-down vote that he

As Bush concluded speaking, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, praised the
president for using his authority "to end the obstruction against John



If there's a positive side to President Bush's appointment of John Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations yesterday, it's that as long as Mr. Bolton is in New York, he will not be wreaking diplomatic havoc anywhere else. Talks with North Korea, for instance, have been looking more productive since Mr. Bolton left the State Department, and it's hard not to think that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's generally positive performance in office is due, in part, to her canniness in dispatching Mr. Bolton out of Washington.

But the appointment is, of course, terrible news for the United Nations, whose diplomats have heard weeks of Senate testimony about Mr. Bolton's lack of respect for their institution and his deeply undiplomatic, bullying style of doing business. Senator George Voinovich, the Ohio Republican who became one of Mr. Bolton's strongest critics, said yesterday that he planned to send the new ambassador a book on how to be an effective manager. It couldn't hurt, but this may be the first time a world superpower has used its top United Nations post as a spot for the remedial training of a troublesome government employee.

And maybe the *last* time a superpower does that? It seems to me
Bush is doing what he can to make USA weaker as a superpower.
That is probably not the intention, so the conclusion must be
that he is the worst president at the worst possible time, not
only for americans but for the whole world - since his faulty
decisions have severe consequences for us all.

Mogens Michaelsen
Dansk weblog:
English weblog:

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