Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Euro Governments KNEW About Outsourced "Torture" Yet Did Nothing

B1ackwater skrev:
STRASBOURG, France (AP) -- The head of a European investigation into
alleged CIA secret prisons in Europe said Tuesday that evidence
pointed to the existence of a system of "outsourcing" of torture by
the United States, and said it was highly likely that European
governments knew of it.

But Swiss senator Dick Marty said there was no formal evidence so far
of the existence of clandestine detention centers in Romania or Poland
as alleged by the New York-based Human Rights Watch.

"There is a great deal of coherent, convergent evidence pointing to
the existence of a system of 'relocation' or 'outsourcing' of
torture," Marty said in a report presented to the Council of Europe,
the human rights watchdog on whose behalf he is investigating.

"Acts of torture or severe violation of detainees' dignity through the
administration of inhuman or degrading treatment are carried outside
national territory and beyond the authority of national intelligence

The report said that extraordinary rendition -- transferring terror
suspects to countries where they may face torture or ill treatment --
"seems to have concerned more than a hundred persons in recent years."

"It is highly unlikely that European governments, or at least their
intelligence services, were unaware," it said.

Human Rights Watch identified Romania and Poland as possible sites of
secret U.S.-run detention facilities.
. . . . .

Hmmm ... who's naughtier - the US for sending selected terrorists
to east-european hell-holes, or the west europeans for bashing us
constantly in the media yet energetically ignoring what we were
doing ? Gee, you'd think european leaders actually WANT us to put
the screws to terrorists - yet WANT to make their (lefty) citizens
believe the opposite ..... tisk, tisk ... talkin' out both sides
of their mouths like that. Of course they also KNEW what was
going on in Bosnia and did nothing ...
Face it, they KNOW that the terrorists will get around to THEM
soon enough - and are willing to do what they feel is necessary
(or let someone ELSE do it so they won't dirty their nice
clean hands) - but at the same time they must play up to the
voters. Such duplicity reveals much about the nature of politics,
that greater realities lurk behind the glossy public image.
Now as for US ... it's we're "outsourcing" torture or anything
vaguely like torture then we either oughtta quit it - or stand
up for it. Going around the system like that shows that there
is plenty of duplicity and dual reality going on in the USA
as well. Let someone ELSE get the actual blood on their hands
so WE can pretend to be 'pure' and chivalrous.
These terrorists are rough and tough fanatics from rough and
tough countries and it's unlikely that milk and cookies and
re-runs of Baywatch on the big-screen prison TV is gonna make
'em tell when the next airliner is gonna come crashing down.
If we've gotta squeeze 'em a bit, let's just ADMIT IT to ourselves. Besides, we've now got the technology to detect
deception and lies just by reading brain-waves ... not much need for the hot irons and thumb-screws of yesteryear. So, if
anyone IS using hot irons and thumbscrews - it ain't for
getting vital life-saving info, just for petty vengance - and
THAT ought to be stamped-out hard and fast.

You might be interested in knowing this:

1. Denmark's "statsminister" Anders Fogh Rasmussen has just said
on a weekly press conference, that the Danish government has NO
knowledge of these CIA-flights.

2. Our "udenrigsminister" (=Secretary of State, Foreign Minister)
Per Stig Møller recently said on a meeting in Greenland, that "If
U.S. government say, no such CIA-flights has taken place, then
this *proves* that it hasn't taken place" (cit. from memory).
Møller happens to be a member of the Conservative Party here in

3. A *Conservative* Danish member of the EU-parlament Gitte
Seeberg, who is in the EU-committee investigating this, has just
condemned it, stating - corretly - that the governments in each
country are legally bound by EU to do something about it!
(regardless of what the U.S. government think about it).

Mogens Michaelsen

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